Skate Or Cry

Status: Complete
Created by fAB
Made with Game Maker
File Size: 11.6MB
Downloads: 2474
Controls Up to Jump
Down to Duck
Right to Speed Up
Spacebar Grabs Tokens
Enter to Pause/Confirm
F4 for Full Screen
F8 to Reset
The Servbots are having some friendly competition in their spare time. Hop on and start skateboarding away! Do you have what it takes to become the champ?

Roll, jump, and duck your way through the levels, mastering the terrain and avoiding all hazards as you collect as many tokens as possible to increase your score before the end of the level.

Five levels of play including familiar Legends locales
Two play styles for casual or advanced players
Endless replay value as you aim for higher scores
Submit your scores to the online leaderboards

Leaderboards: Main List Demo

[Skate Or Cry Title Screen][Crate Hopping][Bunny Rabbit Collision][Crash In Calbania]
Additional Media:

Release Notes Version 1.0 - Publicly Released On 2012/01/31
After a ridiculously long span of years, the project was finally scaled back into a smaller, more reasonably attainable goal. With that, the game finally began to move steadily forward and at long last reached a satisfactory release!

Version 0.3 - Publicly Released On 2008/07/25
The initial release was extremely bare bones, and while this one still remains at only one level long, there's actually a whole lot of changes. The graphics have been seriously upgraded, the engine has been made smoother, the level is completely redesigned to be more interesting, online high score functionality is in place, etc. I hope people will enjoy this and start really looking forward to the rest of the game as it comes together.

Version 0.2 - Publicly Released On 2005/07/11
Very early in production.