MML3 Servbot Roundup

Status: Complete
Created by fAB & Blyka
Made with Unity
File Size: 21.7MB
Downloads: 1504
Controls Mouse for Menus
Up to Go
Left & Right to Turn
Esc to Close Game
Take control of Barrett aboard his motorhorse and roundup the Servbots scattered around Teomo City!

This was originally a quick project whipped up literally in a day for Mega Man's 25th anniversary. Shortly thereafter, the game was reworked to deliver a more authentic MML3 style and feel to match the original vision that there simply hadn't been time to create in that original one-day timespan.

Ride around as Barrett, as seen in video footage of the Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version!
Feel the MML3 thrill as you explore an expansive, semi-accurate recreation of Teomo City
Collect Servbots in four increasingly difficult levels with differing positions
Find the fastest route to victory and submit your best times to the online leaderboards

Leaderboards: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Demo Archives

[MML3 Servbot Roundup Title Screen][Barrett and Aero in Teomo City][Collecting Servbots on Klickelen Island][All Servbots collected on motorhorse]
Additional Media:
Gameplay Video

Release Notes Version 2.0 - Publicly Released On 2014/12/12
Moved the game from in-browser to downloadable for reasons of performance and to allow score submissions again. Also added a Level 4 for rounding up all 40 Servbots in a sunset environment. Among other minor tweaks, Servbot collision size has increased 20%.

Version 1.1 - Publicly Released On 2013/01/03
Fixed acceleration issues affecting certain computer systems.

Version 1.0 - Publicly Released On 2013/01/01
While the initial 25th anniversary release was decently well received and enjoyed by a few intense competitors, due to the quick nature of the project it really failed to deliver any sort of MML3 feel that we were hoping to give people. Now the gameplay remains intact, but the world has expanded with a nicer setting based on Teomo City, and there are more Servbots to collect!

Version 0.9 - Publicly Released On 2012/12/17
A rough, but ready-to-play game thrown together literally in the course of a single day, Mega Man's 25th anniversary.