Kobun Card
Created by fAB
Made with Game Maker
File Size: 7.85MB
Downloads: 1580
Mouse to InteractUp toggles SFX
Left, Right, & Down change music in-game.
X Wipes Local Scores
R to Reset the Game
F4 for Full Screen
Play as the Servbot and try to flip more matching pairs and earn combo bonuses to pile up the points. Use points to keep progressing through the Rounds, or quit while you're ahead, it's up to you.
Match your memory against Birdbot's AI
Play up to 10 rounds to receive an ending
Turn sound effects on or off and change music anytime
Submit your scores to the leaderboards and see how you rank
Release Notes
Version 1.0 - Publicly Released On 2008/07/25Not likely to be a community hit, but I went for it due to its simplicity, which served me well in helping me learn a lot about the learning process of Game Maker, and in turn getting a finished game out in time for the launch of Sky Pirate Arcade.