Foo-roo's Flight

Status: Complete
Created by fAB
Made with Game Maker
File Size: 8.82MB
Downloads: 1933
Controls Arrow Keys to Move
Spacebar to Interact
Enter to Pause
F4 Changes Screen Size
F8 to Reset the Game
The ruins are gonna blow, and it's up to the meekest of reaverbots to minimize the damage! Get ready to play THE MOST UNFORGIVING GAME EVER! It's a race against the clock as you traverse maze-like ruins, picking the best route and closing off corridors as you go.

But you're a Foo-roo, which means you only have 1HP. One bump into a wall and you're history!

Three ruin levels of varying style and difficulty
Balance speed & caution for an intense challenge
Online leaderboards

Leaderboards: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

[Foo-roo's Flight Title Screen][Foo-roo's Flight Level 1 Ruins][Foo-roo's Flight Level 2 Sub-gate][Foo-roo's Flight Level 3 Underground]

Release Notes Version 1.0 - Publicly Released On 2011/12/22
Just a little mini-game, a lot more interesting than its original concept but also scaled down in the interest of faster completion. Far more work went into it than it appears. It is what it is.